New Year... New Little Jul!
Here's a look at 2023's struggle & how it's "shaping up" Little Jul's future!
After a couple weeks off for the holidays to rest and reset, I came back to the Little Jul studio this week with so much renewal! I am excited and hopeful for this year! My heart is set on Jesus and who He says I am and I am walking in closer Christian fellowship. I have set goals to shine for God’s Kingdom and am beginning to plan how I will work to make them a reality!
2023 Recap
If you are feeling like 2023 was a hard one, you are not alone. I definitely felt my spirit, faith, belief… “exercised.”
My business was one of the areas that repeatedly felt like those workouts that make you want to quit, barf or both. Friends would brag about how I was “killing it” but man, that’s not how I was seeing my business. It seemed harder than ever to sell my work even though I knew the quality of my work was better than ever! My business was covering the expenses… as long as I was working for free. Not only that, the creative joy was hitting less and less often. Little Jul reached 5 years old and I had to accept the fact that the way I was doing business, didn’t work.
That acceptance was gradual. There were the mixed feelings of grief and failure, discouragement and wanting to close yet knowing I couldn’t. I am a creative. I can’t turn that off so I pushed to complete the year as well as possible financially as I processed, prayed and looked for ways I could pivot Little Jul toward better.
As I worked through the experience and confusion God was present. Halleluia! Not only did He comfort me and shift my thinking, He blessed me with great December orders to finish the year on a positive note! And wouldn’t you know, all that exercise created a stronger Julie in every way!
Looking forward in 2024
If you are still with me, here’s the part where I tell you about Little Jul’s new direction! You know all that talk about “niching down”? Well, it finally sunk in for me. It makes soooo much sense for my business, my creativity, my energy and aligning with what I most value- Jesus!
Litle Jul’s new focus is narrowing down to:
- custom Bible covers to honor God’s Word in our lives
- journals to honor the therapeutic soul work we can do within
- small accessories such as happy card wallets and keychains, personalized bookmarks, and zip pouches & cord keepers to keep our selves together along the journey
All of these pieces boost my business with lower materials and labor expenses AND remain opportune canvases for beautiful hand painted art -blessing both my creative soul and my customers! I’m so excited to do more of what I love most!
This narrowing of focus inherently narrows my customer community. Some handbag customers will not share my values or need this line of products and that’s ok. I appreciate them no less and hope they will continue to love their handmade leather bags for years to come AND know they can always reach out if needing any service to their products. Do note, a few handbags remain available online and custom orders can be still be placed during this time of transition.
For my people, here’s what you can expect from Little Jul’s Customer Service Department (still me):
- You will get regular emails offering shop news as well as Christian encouragement, downloadable freebies, recommendations for Christian life and never-ending reminders to practice gratitude to help you find the joy in your life!
- You will have my honest interest in developing friendship with each of you! After all, making new friends is my literal favorite thing!
- You’re invited to share a joyful and honest bright spot on social media as I share beautiful and meaningful work as well tidbits of who I am and what I care about!
- You’ll get access to freebies, discounts and first dibs of Little Jul products and all the info on where to find them such as a brand-new website moved to the Shopify platform (so customer friendly)!
And cheers to you!
Let me now express my undying gratitude for my amazing customers! Every purchase and order has been a lifeline this last year! Every complement on and purchase of my painted works has been an encouragement to keep going! Every review and share of my business has been immensely appreciated! And your custom orders have pushed me to create and be a part of some amazing, unexpected and gorgeous projects that wouldn’t have come out of me alone! (Gasp - Did you see the Batman Christmas present I made? So FUN!) In addition, I continue to be blessed at every turn by business owners around me who share the struggles and become friends, make events fun and include Little Jul in their own stores! Thank you all!
I confess, sitting down to write has been procrastinated but I’m actually so glad to be sharing all this with you! Sometimes, we need a little time to step back and see the big picture before we can describe it all!
Love ya,
1 comment
I love the direction you are going – your painted items have always been my favorites! My Litttle Jul bible cover is one of my most treasured possessions. ❤️❤️❤️